Wednesday, December 06, 2006

No One Cares If Andy Dick Is Racist

More Kramer fallout. Andy Dick went onstage during a standup routine by Ian Bagg. They joked about a bunch of stuff including -- of course -- the racist rant by Michael Richards. Then as Dick left the stage he went on a mock rampage calling the audience a bunch of niggers, (sorry, I just got tired of being coy and writing the "n" word) just like Richards did. Instead of finding it funny,the audience is described as aghast. Dick later apologized for what was clearly a satiric jab. But no cares because we already knew he was a Dick. Also, there's an online hoax claiming a racist commentary comes from Andy Rooney of "60 Minutes." It didn't. Rooney should feel good that people online still remember who he is, but isn't it interesting that somehow his prickly nature and persona make Rooney someone that people would be willing to believe would say stuff like that? This isn't a comment on Rooney's character; just an observation. I mean, if someone tried to circulate a hoax about a racist commentary from, say, Matt Lauer, people just wouldn't fall for it. If it were Andy Dick or Howard Stern, people would shrug. But Rooney had traction.

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