Tuesday, March 21, 2006

"Arrested" Update: It's All Up To The Creator

Here's a good update on Arrested Development from the Hollywood Reporter. It's all up to the show's creator Mitch Hurwitz. He's got a solid offer from Showtime for 26 more episodes. He's also got the actors and behind-the-scenes talent locked up till June. So he's got about eight weeks to decide if he wants the show to continue. Hurwitz is reportedly burnt out and wants a lot of money (which is silly, since the show is just a critical fave and Showtime doesn't have the pockets of Fox). But if he wants it to happen, it will.


Michael in New York said...

No comment from priv8pete. I'm shocked.

priv8pete said...

You posted at 6pm on trivia night. TRIVIA NIGHT!!! First off I will now rent the Damon Wayans blockbuster hit Celtic Pride and after carefully studying the skill of kidnapping from Daniel Stern and Dan Akroyd I will recreate scenes from that magical film as I abduct Mitch and coerce him into signing off on 26 more episodes (I know, Misery is a more effective, but it's been overdone). And I don't even get Showtime, in fact I don't have cable but I'll pre-pay on Amazon for the season 4 & 5 DVDs if that helps. Make this happen, Michael. Make it happen!