Monday, January 16, 2006

Late Night Open Thread

Aaargh! The football overrun on Fox cut off the last ten minutes of "24." Now I have no idea what cliffhanger occurred after the President refused to reroute the helicopter landing of the Russian president. I assume it was cliffhanger-ish but I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow night's recap.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, Jack meets up with his new hottie/landlord and drops off her kid then tells them to go to CTU and “tell them the truth.” Which I assume he believes will exonerate him. Anyway, the mom and son are leaving the airport when they get stopped by a crossing guard and a black van full of terrorists unloads in front of the terminal. Of course, only the kid notices this and with an embolden spirit that can only come from spending the past 90 minutes with Jack, he hops out of the car and runs into the terminal “to warn Jack.” Jack finds the guy whose name was in Palmer’s memoirs and starts to rough him up when the terrorists open fire near and take everyone in the terminal hostage. Jack turns his back on Chevensky who quickly takes a cyanide pill. Tick, tick, tick…