Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Open Thread

Problems with my server kept me offline this morning.


Anonymous said...

I think Colbert, formerly of "The Daily Show," reads your blog. He did a riff on Eminem and Kim that sounds like your post of last week. I'm not kidding, he even talked about the same songs you did. He's either reading you or great minds think alike.

I've been the envy of my friends with some of the inside info I've been getting from here. I think I may just be hooked enough to bother with a blogger account next time.


Michael in New York said...

Thanks Carolyn. I know The Daily Show once echoed a postiong on Americablog and we'd love to think they actually read our stuff. I love the trade-off banter between Stewart and Colbert but haven't been watching regularly. I'l have to dip back in. And of course it could easily be coincidence. If I thought of it, it must be a pretty obvious joke.

Michael in New York said...

Oh and hang in there. I'l be away this weekend. But next week I'll have my top movies and top cds of the year and will blast out an email to try and bring in more people. Maybe in a few months there will be enough readers to keep this going, but for now we could all have dinner a single booth. I'll have to break some entertainment news and get exclusives to change that and I'm, working on it.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it was probably a coincidence but boy, it was the exact same jokes.

All blogs start slow. I think you will be the SciFi Friday place to be with a little promotion.

D*mn, somebody has my name sewn up on blogger. Maybe I'll do it right next time.
