Sunday, January 15, 2006

Will New "Superman" Fly? A Sneak Peek

The LA Times has an excellent lengthy feature on this summer's upcoming "Superman," wondering if the Man of Steel can still appeal with his aw shucks Boy Scout aura -- and a PG rating. (Most superheros today are conflicted -- Batman, X-Men -- or postmodern as in The Incredibles.) It's written by Geoff Boucher, an old college newspaper buddy I haven't spoken to in years and it's great. It does sketch the broad plot outlines, though I wouldn't call them spoilers.

In short, Superman's crystal spaceship crash lands on Earth, but it isn't a baby. He's an adult who has returned after five years in space exploring his origins. Lois Lane has moved on after criticizing the Man of Steel and is engaged. Lex Luthor (Kevin Spacey) is the baddie and he and Superman barely share a scene till the finale. The best news of all? Director Bryan Singer worships the 1978 defining version by Richard Donner. The teaser trailer for the film was banal; this article has me hopeful again.

1 comment:

Michael in New York said...

Yes, I'd seen that rumor myself. It came from Radar, which is now defunct as a magazine -- unless its creator finds yet another financial backer. Maybe they should just stick to the website. Casting an unknown as Superman is hardly suspect -- it's probably the right way to go. (Spiderman needs an actor to play a complex character; Superman needs a blank slate). And Routh was a soap actor. As for the reported choice of the studio -- Jim Caviziel -- we have to thank the gods Singer got his way.