Monday, January 16, 2006

Around The Watercooler: "Desperate Housewives"

So last night's episode of "Ridiculous Housewives" continued the totally ridiculous direction the show has been going this season (well, since the middle of the first season, really). So here are a few questions raised by the episode. 1) What doctor, who is not a chiropractor, calls himself 'Dr. Firstname'? That's stupid. 2) Since when is Edie Britt a B.F.F. [Best Friends Forever] with the other housewives (and don't you have to have been married at some point to be a housewife? I thought her whole thing was that she was the outsider bitch. Now she's hanging with her homegirls and talking shit about the black folks in the neighborhood - this doesn't make sense. 3) How much gardening could the Solises actually need in their tiny yard? Fine, last season John, the hot garden boy, was a central part of the story, and he would presumably skip high school 'to mow Gabrielle's lawn', but now that John is out of the picture, they have two gardeners in their yard every day? Stupid.

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