Sunday, October 12, 2008

My New York Weekend

Okay, the world is melting financially and literally, but that doesn't mean I can't still have fun. Friday night I went to a play starring Campbell Scott down in the Village. Saturday, I went to Joe's Pub for a free concert with Raul Midon at 2:30. Then I wandered down to an art gallery exhibiting prints of John Lennon scribbles -- great fun even if the notes describing the works treated Lennon like Gandhi and Einstein and Picasso rolled up into one and the noble tone spoiled by t-shirts on sale at the register. A beautiful, beautiful day so I kept walking. Up to Katz's deli for a late lunch. Then more walking in a fruitless search for dessert. Up town to Union Square, peering into stores and restaurants, people watching, soaking up the day. Then the train to 51st street where we jumped off at the last moment and headed to a tiny bakery for a treat before our 9 p.m. start time for another play, this one starring Christine Lahti. That was followed by headng home, some chicken noodle soup, watching a very bad movie -- Journey To The Center of the Earth -- while wearing 3-D glasses and then seeing the Rays beat the Red Sox. Total cost of the day: $18 (plus the soup). Hey, if I didn't have to pay rent, New York City could be very affordable.

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