Monday, July 24, 2006

Goodbye New York Post; Hello Daily News

Sunday marked the last day I am writing for the NY Post and the first day I'm writing for the NY Daily News. I'm sure people have been published in the NY Times and one of the tabloids on the same day before. But being published in both tabloids on the same day is probably very unusual if not unique. Here's my final NY Post DVD column (I'll still be covering DVDs for other outlets) and a story about "Ren & Stimpy" on DVD. My first article for The Daily News was on the adorable actress Brittany Snow and the new teen flick "John Tucker Must Die" (great title). Sadly, it wasn't posted online, so no link. Why the switch? The NY Post has been great to me over the years, but they simply don't do many feature articles on artists. Trend pieces, gossip items, buzz items -- sure. But actually interviewing an actor in a new movie or TV show or (God forbid, play) was becoming a rare event. The NY Daily News offers a lot more opportunities for the sort of article I want to do. And now I can listen to Billy Joel's "New York State of Mind" without feeling bitter that he name-checks the New York Times and the Daily News without mentioning the Post!

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