Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Pat Robertson's 2007 Predictions!

Yes, it's the traditional heartwarming beginning to a new year: the wacky, lovable predictions of Pat "even fundamentalists are a little bit embarrassed by me" Robertson. Thanks to my brother Chris for the link. (Actually, his TV show is still very popular and he is still a figure at major events, so they're not THAT embarrassed by him.) It's not clear which are predictions and which are the direct word of God except for his first prediction: mass killings in the US from a terrorist attack will affect major cities and millions of people. His recent track record isn't so good. Robertson predicted Bushn would "easily" win reelection; Bush struggled to beat the hapless Kerry and it came down to the electoral votes of one state. Robertson predicted major victories for Bush in his second term. Virtually everything Bush has proposed has been rejected by Congress and Iraq has turned into a quagmire. Robertson "predicted" Bush would nominate conservative judges to the federal courts. If he'd predicted Bush would nominate liberal judges and it came true, I'd have been impressed. But I don't think anyone can count that obvious action as a prediction. Finally, Robertson "predicted" storms and possibly a tsunamai would hit the US coastline in 2006. No tsunamai, but storms did in fact occur on the US coastline in 2006. I'll go him one better and predict more storms in the US in 2007, including more than one hurricane. Of course, if that doesn't happen, it'll be the first time in ages at least two hurricanes didn't hit land in the US. I'll also predict a major political figure will die, that Bush will NOT put another justice on the Supreme Court, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes will remain married and "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End" will be a big box office hit. Just see if I'm right! Got any predictions of your own?


Anonymous said...

A lot of take of a nuclear attack since 2003.

Al Qaeda have nuclear weapons

Michael in New York said...

Aw heck, Catalyst. I think I took more of a chance predicting hurricanes in the New Year than you did with gay pastors being outed.

Michael in New York said...

I'd be really impressed if one of them came out willingly and condemned prejudice. That would be a prediction worth hoping for, rather than just one more hypocrite. But sadly, I'm sure you're right.

Anonymous said...

something is going on now. I have a felling. and if the godesses are wiggling then we have alot to worry about.