Friday, October 27, 2006

O'Reilly and Letterman Spar Again Tonight

Bill O'Reilly appears on David Letterman for the first time since they got into a nasty argument over politics. When that happened, I thought Dave was being reasonable and tried to downplay things while O'Reilly pushed him on. This time, according to the NY Post, it sounds like O'Reilly was ready to make nice but Dave would have none of it. I'll certainly be watching.


Distar said...

that is what happened. I posted a youtube link on my blog if you weren't able to catch it. definitely a great interview.

Michael in New York said...

I watched it and thought it was not one of Letterman's finer moments and O'Reilly acquitted himself nicely by defusing the moment, sitting back since he couldn't win in Letterman's venue. Letterman came out guns a'blazing, but if he really wanted to take on O'Reilly it would have behooved him to at least read the book. It would have taken about three hours and hosts rarely have a chance to read the books people are promoting, but in this case he should have made the effort.Great TV though.